What conditions can Osteopathy treat?

​Anyone can benefit from Manual Osteopathic treatment. It provides general improvements in mobility and structural stability.  It can help the following, but is not limited to: chronic pain, acute muscle spasm, headaches, migraines, digestive issues, joint problems, arthritis, nerve entrapment, sciatica and other general conditions.

Amanda Kohut

​RMT / Osteopathic Manual therapist


905. 929. 1821

Copyright © Amanda Kohut, RMT. All rights reserved. 

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy was discovered in the 1800's by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still.

It is a non-invasive, manual form of medicine that focuses on the inter-relationships of the structure and function of all the body systems.  It aims to restore health to the body by removing restrictions within the musculoskeletal system to improve nerve, blood and lymphatic flow.  This allows the body to use its own healing mechanisms to restore health naturally. Osteopathy is based on principles of natural law. It is built on a deep respect for the body and a strong belief in its innate ability to self heal and self regulate.  

What Is a Manual Osteopath

A Manual Osteopath is trained to treat the whole person instead of the symptoms or disease. They take into account the patient’s full life history and current situation to provide a personalized treatment.  What sets Manual Osteopaths apart is their holistic approach to treatment, their extensive knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and the structural and functional relationships of all body systems. As well, the Manual Osteopath has a refined palpation allowing for their ability to assess the quality of body tissues and detect almost imperceptible motion of those body tissues.